First Edition Romance Page 17
“Sounds heavenly.”
“Then, I’m going to test your money skills in Monopoly.”
Ainslon chuckled. “You’re not going to know what hit you.”
“I’m willing to take my chances.”
The next morning, Ainslon woke first and it took her a few minutes to get her bearings. When Lauren sighed next to her, Ainslon tightened her hold around Lauren and closed her eyes. The day before had been a whirlwind of emotions and she didn’t know what she would have done if not for Lauren.
The previous night, Lauren had promised today would be filled with food and relaxing. Something Ainslon badly needed. Ainslon vowed to try and redeem herself from the previous night where she lost spectacularly at Monopoly. Ainslon knew she needed to enjoy this weekend because the following week, renovations on the new building were set to begin. The fact that she could have lunch every day with Lauren was an added bonus.
“I can hear you thinking,” Lauren mumbled.
Ainslon held her tighter, moved the hair away from her neck, and kissed the spot below Lauren’s ear. “Not bad things.”
Lauren turned in Ainslon’s embrace. “I would hope not, considering you’re in bed with me.”
“You’re beautiful,” Ainslon blurted out and smiled when Lauren’s cheeks flushed.
“I feel beautiful when I’m with you.”
“I don’t want you to ever feel anything less than beautiful when I’m around.” Ainslon ran her finger down Lauren’s cheek.
Lauren caught the roaming finger and kissed its tip. “You’re the beautiful one.”
Ainslon leaned forward and pulled Lauren into a full body embrace, burying her face in Lauren’s neck. “I really like waking up with you.” She pulled back and rested their foreheads together. “It doesn’t hurt that the gods themselves made your mattress.”
Lauren chuckled and pulled away from Ainslon and slipped out of bed.
“Where are you going? It’s Sunday. We’re allowed to sleep in.”
“I never sleep in on Sundays.” Lauren stopped at the door to the bathroom and hesitated. “I’m going to take a shower. You’re welcome to join me if you wish.”
Ainslon’s eyes widened and her heart pounded in her chest.
“Or not.”
Lauren looked so unsure, Ainslon did the only thing she could and hopped out of bed and approached her. “Really?”
“Really. No funny business, though.” She gave a slight smirk. “I figured we’d see each other naked sooner or later and I want us to be comfortable with each other’s bodies when we finally make love.”
Ainslon pinned Lauren to the wall next to the bathroom door. “If you’re sure?”
“When have you known me to be indecisive?”
“Good point.” Ainslon bit her lip. “I am going to shower with you, but be forewarned my eyes will wander.”
Lauren slipped her arms around Ainslon’s neck. “I can handle wandering eyes. The wandering hands can come later.”
Forty-five minutes later, they were both dressed and downstairs. Showering with Lauren, while an amazing experience, would be on Ainslon’s mind for hours, but Lauren was right; there was no need to be unsure around each other. It also allowed Ainslon to see a birthmark to the right of Lauren’s navel she couldn’t wait to get her lips on.
“You’re staring.”
Ainslon’s eyes jerked up from said navel level into the laughing eyes of Lauren. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine. I like being looked at.”
Ainslon approached her, took the cup out of her hands, and set it on the counter, then pulled a willing Lauren into her arms and kissed her. When Lauren deepened the kiss, it took all of Ainslon’s willpower not to let her hands stray from around Lauren’s waist.
When Lauren pulled back, Ainslon looked unsure.
“Later,” Lauren said.
“What would you like for breakfast?” Lauren asked.
“Food wise.”
“French toast.”
After breakfast, they settled down on the couch.
“Now that you have me here, what are you going to do with me?”
“Talking I can do.” Ainslon slipped her hand into Lauren’s. “Was there something specific you wanted to talk about?”
“Actually, yes. As you know, C and C has been named in the top ten businesses of the year for the past ten years.”
“I would have to live under a rock not to.”
Lauren rolled her eyes. “The mayor’s annual dinner and dance are next week, and I can bring a plus one.” Lauren looked at her expectantly.
“You want to take me?”
“I do.” Lauren played with Ainslon’s fingers.
“I would love to go with you. I wasn’t sure you wanted to go public yet. The gossip sites don’t count.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Ainslon, I’m not ashamed of us and I care about you. There is no one else I want to go with me. And besides, people have already seen us together and the gossip site has been awash with speculation lately. Now it will just be official.”
“How can a girl say no?”
“She can’t. That’s the point.”
“Okay. This thing is fancy, isn’t it?”
“Formal, yes. Is that a problem?”
“Of course not. Easton and I will have to go shopping.” Ainslon slid closer to Lauren and wrapped her arms around her waist. “This is like our coming out.”
Lauren laughed, but still hugged Ainslon tight. “In a way, I guess it is.”
“Nice.” Their lips were only an inch apart when the phone rang.
Lauren pulled back. “That’s my momma.”
Ainslon sat back when Lauren stood to answer the call. The Mayor’s Ball was one of the biggest events of the season and it thrilled and scared her that Lauren wanted to take her. Though, she could do without being in the mayor’s presence.
“Sorry about that. Momma was confirming our dinner plans for Thursday night.”
“I wouldn’t miss it. Now come snuggle with me.”
Lauren chuckled, then lay down on the couch and into Ainslon’s arms.
An hour later, Lauren was asleep in Ainslon’s arms. Ainslon rested her cheek on top of Lauren’s head, relaxed into the couch, and closed her eyes.
Ainslon sighed and took a deep breath, ignoring the glares Easton kept throwing in her direction. This was taking forever.
“Sis, you’re the one that needs an outfit. I just came along for moral support.”
“I know.” Ainslon hadn’t expected it to be this hard to find a dress for the Mayor’s Ball, but there was so much at stake. Even though she was an accomplished businesswoman in her own right, she hadn’t garnered the kind of attention Lauren had. Only the most elite received invitations to the ball.
“You’re thinking about this too much. You’ve looked fabulous in all of the dresses you have tried on.”
“I don’t want to embarrass her.”
Easton rolled her eyes. “Stop being so stupid. That’s not going to happen.”
“Okay. Okay.” She decided on the first dress she’d tried on. An hour later, they were sitting down to eat, and Ainslon’s new dress was tucked away in her Jeep.
“Still nervous about the event?” Easton asked.
Ainslon took a sip of her iced tea. “Yes. This is big.”
“Is it because this is showing you she cares as much about you as you do for her?”
“Yes. I knew she liked me before but now, she’s going to be telling the whole city she cares about me. It’s a little overwhelming.”
“I can appreciate that. You deserve this. You deserve to be wined and dined. To have a woman want to introduce you to her inner circle. To show you off.” Easton scrunched her nose. “Not as a possession.”
Being with Lauren was so easy. She didn’t know why she was making such a big deal out of this.
“Listen, Ainslon,” Easton said. “This is what you wanted. You wanted a shot at a future with her. Don’t freak out too much about this.”
What Ainslon needed was to relax. “I feel so comfortable with her.”
“I’m so happy for you, Ainslon, but your swooning over your lady love is nauseating.”
Ainslon chuckled and tossed her napkin on the table. “You wish you had what I do.”
“All in good time. All in good time.” Easton took a sip of her iced tea. “What do you want to do next?”
Ainslon was about to answer when her phone rang. She didn’t even try to mask the smile on her face when she answered. “Hello, Lauren.”
“Are you busy?”
Ainslon looked at Easton but she mouthed for her to go. “Nope. What do you need?”
Lauren laughed. “That’s not what I was talking about, but soon.”
“Soon, huh? I can live with that.”
“Good. Now the reason for my call is I was wondering if you would like to spend some time with me?”
“I would love to. Give me an hour and I’ll be by. Do I need to bring anything?”
“Actually, yes. I was planning on making a cheesecake, but I need some graham crackers.”
“I’ll see you in a bit.”
“I look forward to it.”
“You ditching me?” Easton asked.
Ainslon stood. “You bet.”
“Take me home, dork, then have a good rest of the day with Lauren.”
Fifty-two minutes later, Ainslon walked through Lauren’s front door. Lauren had texted her that she had some work to do, but her front door would be unlocked. She dropped her grocery bag on the kitchen counter, then went in search of Lauren. She found her seated at the desk in the study with the phone pressed against her ear. Ainslon moved to leave, but Lauren motioned for her to come in.
Ainslon relaxed back on the couch as Lauren continued with her phone call. The study, one of Ainslon’s favorite rooms in Lauren’s condo, was also one of the biggest. The light blue color on the walls filled the space with warmth and the three windows behind the desk let in a ton of natural light. A shelf to the right of the desk held all of Lauren’s awards and certificates. Besides the couch and desk, there was a fireplace, and floor to ceiling bookshelves made up the rest of the space. A few minutes later, she heard Lauren set the phone back in its cradle, but she kept her eyes closed even as the couch dipped beside her and a finger trailed up her neck.
“How long do you think you can ignore me?”
“Oh, I’m not ignoring you. I’m playing hard to get.” Ainslon opened her eyes. Before she could blink, Lauren leaned forward and captured her lips. Ainslon cupped the back of Lauren’s head and pulled her even closer. “Wow.”
“Wow indeed.”
Before Lauren could move away, Ainslon pulled her into her lap and kissed her neck.
Lauren relaxed and wrapped her arms around Ainslon’s neck. “If someone would have told me I would be in a relationship six months ago, I would have laughed in their face.”
“I agree.” Ainslon ran her hand up and down Lauren’s side. “It feels good though, doesn’t it?”
“Yes, it does.”
They spent the next few minutes holding each other. Ainslon loved going out with Lauren, but this is what she lived for. She rested her forehead against Lauren’s. “I would love nothing more than to sit here and hold you, but did you have anything else in mind?”
“Besides the cheesecake?”
Ainslon leaned back. “Yes, besides that.”
“Just a quiet night in. Later we can order dinner. Maybe watch a movie.”
“Dinner and a movie. How old fashioned of you.”
Lauren kissed Ainslon’s forehead, then stood and straightened her blouse. “I dare say, you’re going to come up against more of that behavior in the future.”
Ainslon jumped up, grabbed Lauren’s hand, and pulled her toward the kitchen. “I look forward to it, but now I believe someone promised me cheesecake.”
Lauren already had the rest of the ingredients laid out and Ainslon got to work on the crust, per Lauren’s directions. “So, what can I expect from the Mayor’s Ball?”
“We’ll arrive by car at seven. There will be some press and we’ll have our picture taken, then we’ll enter, where they’ll announce our names and we can mingle until dinner.” Lauren took the crust from Ainslon and poured the filling in, then popped it in the oven. Lauren leaned back against the counter. “After dinner, there’ll be more mingling, then at the stroke of midnight everyone will be expected to give a blood sacrifice, binding them to the city and the mayor in turn.” Ainslon chuckled, but relaxed when Lauren pulled her into an embrace. “You looked so worried. If you don’t want to accompany me, you don’t have to.”
“Don’t be silly. I do, but this is a big deal.”
“It is.”
“You agree?” That put some of Ainslon’s fears to rest.
“I’m introducing you to the town as my girlfriend. It is a big deal. I’ve been single for a long time. I’ll have you know I’ve made the list as the most eligible bachelorette for three of the past six years.”
“Wow.” Ainslon leaned forward and whispered in Lauren’s ear. “You mean to tell me I’m dating someone famous?”
“Come now. Was there really any doubt?”
Ainslon threw her head back and laughed. The laugh quickly turned into a moan when Lauren kissed up her neck. “You didn’t have to stop.”
“I know. You’re the first person I’ve ever felt like this with.”
“Like what?”
“Like you won’t run if I’m not perfect.”
“I don’t have any intention of running, Lauren, and nobody’s perfect.” Ainslon kissed Lauren on the cheek. She wanted to take it slow and Ainslon would honor that. “What are we having for dinner?”
“Whatever you want.” Lauren tapped Ainslon on the nose.
“I like the sound of that.”
They’d ended up ordering a pizza for dinner and the comedy they’d watched helped relax them both even more. Ainslon lay back on the couch, taking Lauren with her. Lauren felt so right wrapped in her arms. She fit perfectly in Ainslon’s embrace.
“Will you stay?” Lauren asked. “I would love for you to hold me.”
“I would like that too.” They stayed on the couch for another hour before turning in. Now that she knew what it felt like to fall asleep with Lauren, she couldn’t wait for all the rest of the firsts they would experience together.
Five o’clock the next day, Ainslon followed Lauren up the stairs in her two-story condo to get ready for the Mayor’s Ball. Easton and Callie had come by earlier in the day to spend some time with them before the event. While Lauren got ready in her bedroom, Ainslon went to the guest room. After a ten-minute pep talk and a text from Easton, Ainslon calmed down and started getting ready. It wasn’t until she had the dress on that the doubts surfaced.
She glanced in the bedroom mirror and smoothed the fabric over her stomach. Instead of going with something elaborate she’d chosen a simple knee-length black sleeveless dress with a high neckline and paired it with a pair of black heels. She’d opted to put her hair up, but a glance in the mirror had her second guessing her decision. Was it too simple?
She didn’t know what clothes Lauren had chosen, only that she had opted to wear ivory. It didn’t matter. Lauren could rock anything she wore. Ainslon, on the other hand, wasn’t so sure now. Lauren was choosing to introduce her to the city as her girlfriend and this is what she chose to wear?
As soon as her doubts picked up force, a knock sounded at her door.
“Come in.”
When the door opened, Easton and Callie walked in.
Ainslon held her hands up. “How do I look?”
“You look beautiful,” Callie said. “Lauren is going to be awestruck.”
Ainslon glanced back at
the mirror. “You don’t think it’s too simple? Zip me.”
“Nope.” Easton pulled her away from the mirror and zipped up the back of the dress. “You’re beautiful.”
Some day she would kick her overthinking mind in its ass, but today was not that day. A glance at the clock told her it was too late to turn back anyway.
Once downstairs, Ainslon turned toward the kitchen but stopped in her tracks. Lauren stood at the counter, looking at her phone. Beautiful didn’t begin to describe how she looked, in a tailored ivory tuxedo, complete with cummerbund. The white shirt underneath had a plunging neckline and the silver heels only made her look twice as enticing. A throat clearing had her looking up. Straight into the amused eyes of Lauren.
“Too much?”
“No. Just right.” Ainslon’s gaze traveled down Lauren’s body. “You look amazing.” The smoky eyeshadow Lauren had decided to go with made her eyes pop. Not to mention how enticing the red lipstick was, and she’d kept her hair curly. Ainslon loved what Lauren usually wore, but she could get used to this look.
“As do you. I’ve always enjoyed the little black dress, and on you, it looks fetching.”
“We should get going.”
“I’m ready.”
“Wait,” Easton said. “We want pictures first.”
Ainslon couldn’t keep the smile off her face even as Lauren rolled her eyes as they posed for several photos.
Tonight, Ainslon knew, would be one for the record books.
The hired luxury sedan ride to the venue was mostly in silence with Lauren’s hand firmly clasped with Ainslon’s. Her nerves seemed to rise ten-fold the closer they got to the event and when Ainslon finally got a glimpse of the waiting cars, and the camera flashes going off, her gut churned. Watching clips of this event on the news didn’t compare to being amid the bustle. She tightened her hold on Lauren’s hand and turned to Lauren when she tugged her hand.
“Remember, darling, they are here to see us, not the other way around and you don’t owe them anything. The papers make this event out to be bigger than it is. At the heart of the ball, it’s the mayor showing off his wealth, and bragging about his position to everyone in attendance.”