First Edition Romance Page 15
A quick glance at the clock told her it was a little after eleven and the morning crowd had dispersed some. She picked up her phone and shot a quick text off. Tonight was their first official date, but she couldn’t wait until tonight to talk with Lauren.
Ainslon: I’ve missed you these last few days. I can’t wait for tonight.
Lauren: I’ll be at the store until seven, so it will be a late dinner. I’m sorry. I had planned on cooking, but I don’t believe that’s an option now.
Ainslon: Don’t be sorry. Any preference on dinner?
Lauren: Whatever you bring will be fine.
Ainslon: See you tonight.
Lauren: I look forward to it.
“I need only one guess to figure out who put that silly smile on your face,” Justin said, laying a folder on the counter.
Ainslon put down her phone. “I’m not going to deny it.”
“Bet you’re looking forward to tonight.”
“You have no idea.” She ran her fingers through her hair. “We haven’t even known each other long, but…”
“Long enough.” He patted her shoulder. “I get it. You’re happy. It’s nice to see.”
“It feels nice.”
At one o’clock, Ainslon received another chocolate gift from Lauren and an origami elephant. Today’s fare was a set of chocolate truffles. Ainslon looked forward to the origami gifts as much as the chocolate, maybe more. She kept them on a shelf in her office at home. She picked up her phone to continue her text with Lauren.
Ainslon: I’m going to get fat at this rate.
Lauren: Don’t be silly. It’s only a few chocolates.
A few seconds later.
Lauren: I can quit sending them.
Ainslon: Don’t you dare. I’ll pick something light for dinner.
Lauren: I knew you would see it my way.
Ainslon chuckled and picked up another piece, took a bite, and moaned. So far, out of everything she tasted, the salted caramel was her favorite.
“Hey, chocolate,” Justin said, reaching for one.
Ainslon slapped his hand away. “Not these.”
He looked longingly at the box. “That good, huh?”
“That I am.”
The rest of the day passed quickly, and Ainslon swung by the Half Dollar and picked up two orders of their zucchini pasta with grilled chicken for dinner.
At seven-thirty-eight, she knocked on Lauren’s door and a few moments later it opened to reveal a smiling Lauren, dressed in a pair of slacks and a sweater.
“Darling, come in.” Lauren kissed her lightly on the lips and led the way to the kitchen, where the table was set with two wine glasses and a candle.
Ainslon beamed at the endearment, ‘Darling.’ Yeah, she could get used to that. “It looks beautiful.”
Lauren squeezed her hand. “I’m glad you like it.”
Ainslon placed the bag on the table, then grasped Lauren’s hand and pulled her into an embrace. “I missed not seeing you for the last few days. I know that’s my fault, and I’ll try to do better. I promise.”
Lauren rested her hands on the small of Ainslon’s back. “You don’t have anything to be sorry for. This is the next big step for your business and as much as I love spending time with you, this is important for your future. I’m not going anywhere. I went through the same thing you are when I opened my store. Some relationships fell to the wayside, but we’re not going to let that happen. We text all the time and we talk every night. Don’t worry about us. We’re fine.”
With each word out of Lauren’s mouth, Ainslon’s heart beat faster. Could this woman be any more perfect? Ainslon had the overwhelming urge to kiss her, so she did. “Thank you. I needed to hear that.”
“Good. Let’s eat. It smells amazing.”
They worked in tandem, transferring their food from the containers to plates at Lauren’s insistence. It was almost eight by the time they sat to eat.
Halfway through the meal, Ainslon brought up her plans for Friday and Saturday. “Justin and I are going to the new building on Friday, but I’m free on Saturday.”
“I’m going to spend the day at home. You’re welcome to join me.”
“How can I say no to that?”
“That’s the point.” Lauren twirled the zucchini noodles on her fork and took a bite. “Have you decided on the design?”
Ainslon took her napkin and dabbed her lips. “We’ve got an idea down, but we’re going to wait until Friday to finalize everything. We also chose a buyer for our place.”
“That’s great.” Lauren grinned and lifted her wine glass. “Cheers.”
Ainslon returned the grin and clinked her glass against Lauren’s. “Here’s to everything working out.”
“I have no doubt.” Lauren grew quiet while she looked intently at Ainslon. “I can see a question on your face.” She squeezed her hand.
Ainslon thought she had hidden it well, but she couldn’t stop thinking about it since Lauren sat. Since the business with the building was over, something else bothered her. “I was wondering about us.”
“Us. You know. As a couple.” Ainslon knew she should have kept her mouth shut and enjoyed the evening, but she had to know what Lauren expected out of this. She couldn’t start this, whatever this was, blind. She took a deep breath. “What would you like to see come out of this? I need to know. Short term, long term. I know you want more than friendship.”
With a nod, Lauren seemed to weigh her response. “That’s a fair question. I thought we would get to know each other, then take it from there. I am not going into this expecting to find someone to spend the rest of my life with, but I am not ruling that out either. If the right person comes along, that’s fantastic, and if they don’t, I will keep looking.” She took a sip of her wine. “I’ve thought a lot about you lately and what exactly it is I am feeling. It’s hard to put into words. I know I would like something to come from this. I really like you and, this, whatever this is, I am going to give it my all. We deserve that. Don’t you think? We’re good together.”
Did she? Ainslon would only get one chance at this and she didn’t intend to screw it up. If she said something stupid, so be it. “You’ve got it all wrong.” Lauren frowned. “I am going into this expecting to find someone to spend the rest of my life with. I can’t go into it any other way. If I did, I would only be giving you a part of myself, and for this to work, I have to give you all of me. If I get hurt in the process, then I get hurt.” Life really did have a way of sneaking up on you. If she had never run into Justin, she would have never opened the online store, or the storefront, and would have never met Lauren. Edna would say everything happened for a reason and now, she finally understood that. She slipped her hand in Lauren’s. “Life is funny. I was going along, minding my own business, then you walked into my store and changed everything. I know my feelings were hard to gauge from the onset. I like you a lot, and since we’re doing this, I’m all in. You and me.”
“I didn’t expect you to say all that.”
“I’m not sorry. It’s how I feel.”
“I’m not upset. On the contrary, I’m happy. We could get hurt, or we could be amazing. I’m going to be an optimist. Will you join me?”
“On that note, I should also make a couple of points. Even though we just started officially dating, my mother wants to have dinner with us next week. I explained to her the change in our relationship status and she wants to get to know you. I can promise you a fantastic meal.”
“I would love to have dinner with you and your mom. Nana wants to have dinner with the two of us.”
“I would love to have dinner with you and Edna.” Lauren took a sip of her wine. “We will be monogamous, of course.”
“Of course. I don’t like to share.”
“Nor I.”
“There’s also the matter of sex.”
s eyes widened for a moment. “Hitting all the questions hard tonight.”
“I…I just—”
“I’m only teasing. Go on.” Lauren slipped her hand under Ainslon’s on the table and squeezed.
“I’m not a hop into bed kind of girl. I don’t want you to be offended if it doesn’t happen right away.” She didn’t see the problem with getting to know someone first and hoped Lauren agreed.
“Ainslon, I’m only going to say this once. Sex is an important part of any relationship as long as both parties agree. I would never force you to do something that makes you uncomfortable. No matter what that something is. If I do, tell me. Intimacy does not equate sex. When we’re both ready, it will happen. Also, I keep in shape but I’m not in my twenties anymore.”
Ainslon rolled her eyes. “Lauren, all you have to do is walk in a room, and I get weak. You’re gorgeous and the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen. No worries in that department. You need to tell me if I do anything that makes you uncomfortable. We both agreed to start out on the right foot, and that’s what I want to do. We have something special.”
“We do.”
Ainslon gave her a knowing smile. “So, do I make you weak?”
“Are you kidding? It takes all the restraint I have not to rip those ten-year-old jeans and t-shirt off you every time I see you.”
Ainslon’s grin turned into a frown and she leaned forward on the table. “Are you making fun of my clothes?”
Lauren waited a beat before answering. “No.” Lauren leaned forward. “Would I do that?”
“Not all of us can dress like a fashion goddess, now can we?” Ainslon ghosted her fingers across Lauren’s arm.
“No, we cannot.” Lauren closed the distance between them and pecked Ainslon on the lips. “All kidding aside, I hope you know, even though I find your choice in clothing…unique most days, it has never been an issue with me.”
“Unique, huh? How diplomatic of you.”
“I do what I can.”
“I bet you do.”
Lauren chuckled and finished her wine before diving into the dessert. “Any other hard-hitting topics we need to discuss?”
“Actually, yes. Kids.”
Lauren’s eyes widened in surprise. “Kids?”
“Do you want them?” She’d always wanted kids and it could be a deal-breaker if Lauren didn’t. Best to get that out of the way now, instead of it coming up down the line and derailing their relationship.
“Do you?”
“I do.”
Lauren nodded and took a sip of her wine. “When I was younger, I didn’t want children. As I grew older, the yearning for one or two made itself known, but in the last few years that dream waned some.” She swirled the wine in her glass. “You don’t think I’m too old for them?”
Ainslon wracked her brain for how old Lauren was. Forty-four. “I don’t think you’re too old to be a mother; however, between the two of us, I would be the one to carry a child. In fact, I would insist. There are a lot of medical advances, but I would feel more comfortable if it was me.” Ainslon tilted her head. “Do you think you’re too old?”
“In some ways I do, but in others I don’t. I think I would make a fantastic mother, but I’ve never had the desire to birth one. Adoption is always an option, but I have to be honest with you. If I we’re going to have children, it would have to be in the next couple of years. I don’t want to be an old woman when my children are in college.”
“So, you would want kids with me?”
Lauren leaned across the table. “I do believe we were talking about taking chances.” She slipped her hand in Ainslon’s. “So, yes, that’s what I’m talking about. Taking chances, remember? Does that answer your question?” Ainslon nodded. “Would you want to have children with me?”
“I wouldn’t mind it.” Ainslon feigned nonchalance. “You’re gorgeous. Have a successful business.” She grinned. “Not to mention I’m crazy about you. I think you would make a wonderful mom.”
Lauren held up her glass. Ainslon did the same and they clinked their glasses together. “To our future.”
“To us.”
After they drained their glasses, Lauren asked if there was anything else she wanted to discuss.
Ainslon searched her brain but couldn’t come up with something else. “I want to move forward with the understanding that this could turn into a lifetime of firsts for us.”
As the silence stretched on, Ainslon feared she’d said the wrong thing.
“That’s sounds wonderful.”
“I’m glad.” They finished their dessert in silence.
After cleaning up, they retreated to the living room. Ainslon lay back on the couch and let out a contented hum when Lauren curled up by her side.
“Dinner was lovely.”
Ainslon wrapped both arms around her and kissed her cheek. “I’m glad you liked it. I like this. Just relaxing with you. Having you in my arms.”
“It’s a wonderful ending to a taxing day.”
“I’m all ears.”
“From the vendors sending the wrong chocolate to a two-year-old throwing a temper tantrum in the middle of the store, it seemed like everything that could go wrong today did. On top of all that, a shipment of chocolate I ordered from Italy was delayed.”
“That qualifies as a shitty day. I’ve had plenty of those.” Ainslon absentmindedly stroked her hand up and down Lauren’s arm. “Tomorrow’s another day.”
“That’s one vendor I won’t be worrying about anymore, considering I dropped the contract and went with another one.”
“Even better.”
Lauren chuckled, turned to Ainslon, and ran her fingers down Ainslon’s cheek. “I’m so happy I walked into your store.”
“I am too.” Ainslon rested their foreheads together before kissing her. “So, so glad.” Lauren turned and settled back against Ainslon’s side.
“I’m finding myself feeling things for you that even surprise me in the short amount of time we’ve known each other.”
“I feel the same way.”
“Let’s pick something to watch and relax.”
Ainslon held Lauren as the movie played, marveling at the fact she got to hold this amazing woman in her arms. Nothing else mattered but this moment.
That following Friday, as Ainslon and Justin stepped into their newly acquired building, Ainslon’s heart raced. This was it. What they’d been building up to and it felt amazing.
Justin squeezed her shoulder. “Feels good, doesn’t it?”
“Feels amazing.” She took a deep breath. “We have work to do.”
“That we do.”
Ainslon had woken early with a text from Lauren wishing her a good morning and good luck for the day. It was a nice start after her fitful night. After having breakfast with Easton, she’d met Justin at the store at eight thirty. They’d left Turn the Page in the capable hands of Sarah and Bradley, their employees. Easton was going to meet them later to help figure out the layout for the building. The contractor they’d hired would meet them around two to finalize the plan. Everything had moved fast but that was the way Ainslon liked to work.
Three hours later, Ainslon, Justin, and Easton lay on their backs on the second floor, staring up at the tall ceiling.
An idea popped into Ainslon’s head as she gazed up at the ceiling. “We should plan a space scene, then have the cardboard spaceships we already have hanging from the ceiling. With this space we can easily add half a dozen more and the space wouldn’t be crowded.”
“I like that idea,” Justin threw in.
“I do, too. In that corner over there,” Easton motioned with her head. “You can set up your Hippogriff/Harry Potter section.”
“And over there.” Justin grew excited. “We can set up our gaming center.”
“Place all our life-size superhero cutouts all over the space,” Ainslon chimed in. “This is going to be awesome.” They all high-fived. “We can put up a half-wall to separate the gaming area
from the actual store. The outside door will be locked until game nights.”
“Ainslon,” a voice called from downstairs.
Ainslon perked up. “That’s Lauren.” Ainslon jumped up. “I’ll be back, guys.”
“Take your time,” Easton said.
“We’ll still be here when you get back,” Justin said.
Ainslon bounded down the stairs and stopped at the bottom, taking in the vision before her. Lauren wore a black pencil skirt and a white wrap around blouse. Good grief, Lauren took her breath away.
Lauren greeted her with a cheeky grin. “Well, I don’t need to interpret that look.”
Ainslon couldn’t suppress her wide smile as she walked across the large space. “In my defense, you look beautiful today.”
“I always love a good compliment, and when it comes from your lips, even better.” They shared a quick kiss, then Ainslon let her fingers trail down Lauren’s arm and grasped her hand.
“What brings you by?”
“I wanted to see you.”
Ainslon’s heart skipped a beat and she pulled Lauren into her arms. “That’s so sweet.”
Lauren rolled her eyes but didn’t let her go. “And I wanted to check on your progress.”
“It’s going good. The contractor is supposed to be by around two. We’ve already discussed most of what we want done and the papers have been drawn up, but he wanted to go back over it with us. It’s all coming together.”
“I never doubted you for a second.”
“Would you like to hear what we’re going to do down here?”
“I would love to.”
For the next twenty minutes, Ainslon walked Lauren through the things they wanted to implement and wrote down a few of Lauren’s suggestions that neither Ainslon nor Justin had thought about.
“I need to get back to the store so I can finish up a few things before going to Colin’s birthday party. I know I’ve said it before but I’m so glad you found the book.”
“It’s all in a day’s work ma’am.”