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First Edition Romance Page 12
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Page 12
Lauren stood. “It’s lovely to meet you. I recognize you from visits to my store.”
“Yes, I’ve been there on more than one occasion.” She quickly glanced at Ainslon. “And God knows, Ainslon goes on and on and on about you.”
“Okay.” Ainslon stood. “You’ve met her. So, I’m sure you have work to do.”
Easton chuckled. “That I do. It was nice to meet you officially.”
“You as well.”
Easton turned to Ainslon. “Talk to you later, sis.” Then walked toward the back.
“So.” Lauren turned to Ainslon. “How often do you talk about me?”
“You’re always the topic of conversation.”
“I like the sound of that.”
“I just bet you do.”
“I would rather be on your mind than anyone else’s.” Lauren squeezed Ainslon’s hand. “If you’ll give me enough time to grab a coffee, I’ll walk you to work.”
Ainslon would have never asked, but it seemed like for the first time the universe was in her corner. “Of course, I’ll wait.” Ainslon made her way out the front door, slipped the bag inside her backpack, then rested her shoulder against the building with the coffee container in hand. There was something so intoxicating about Lauren. She looked up when the door opened, and Lauren walked out, headed in her direction. Neither one said a word while they walked toward Turn the Page.
At the crosswalk, Lauren spoke up. “How’s business going?”
“Good. Yours?”
She chuckled. “I can’t complain.”
Ainslon tried to keep her composure when Lauren entwined their fingers as they walked the final block to her store. She pulled them to a stop outside the building. “Here we are.”
“Yes.” Lauren raised their joined hands and kissed Ainslon’s knuckles. “I would love to stay and talk some more, but work awaits.”
“Sure. Sure. How about we meet for coffee in the morning at Brew and Bake? Say seven-thirty.”
“I would really like that, but I have a brunch I have to attend later, so if just coffee is okay, I would love to meet. I promise to have more time tomorrow.”
“Only coffee is fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Instead of watching her walk away, Ainslon entered the store, made a beeline for Justin at the counter, and placed the coffee tray in his hand, then pulled the pastries from her bag.
“I see Lauren walked you here.”
“We’re having coffee tomorrow morning. We decided to stay friends for now, with the possibility of more later.”
“Why are you hesitant? You really like her.” He shrugged. “Just go for it.”
“Really? I mean. I do really like her, and I know I shouldn’t let it come between us, but I don’t think I can start anything more with her while this building looms over our heads. Is that wrong?”
“No.” He tore off a piece of his cinnamon roll and held it up for her. She snatched it out of his fingers and popped it in her mouth. “By the way,” he called as she walked in the back room with the bag. “You look terrible this morning.”
“Thanks, buddy.”
She sat on the stool and stared into space. She had a feeling she would never just be Lauren’s friend. The pull between them was magnetic, but there were a lot of factors that could hinder taking it further. Tomorrow couldn’t come fast enough.
Ainslon would never admit to anyone how early she woke up or how many outfits she’d tried on before settling on a pair of cream-colored trousers and burgundy lightweight sweater. Sneakers would never do, so she pulled out a pair of black flats. At the last minute, she pulled her hair up and secured it with a black clip. It may be only coffee but it felt like the beginning of something and she didn’t want to mess it up. She could always find another building, but not another Lauren and she didn’t want to lose their budding relationship.
At exactly seven-fifteen, she pulled open the door to Brew and Bake and stepped inside, sliding to the right of the door to survey her surroundings. Lauren hadn’t arrived yet, and she waved at Alice as she waited out of the way of customers. Ten minutes later, her eyes widened as they latched onto Lauren walking her way. Today she wore a black pencil skirt, pale blue silk blouse, and black heels. Her curls were out in full force and Ainslon loved it. She’d yet to work up the nerve to run her fingers through them and her anticipation grew every time Lauren wore her hair like this.
Ainslon accepted the kiss on her cheek from Lauren, and hoped she wasn’t blushing too hard. Damn her pale skin. “Good morning.”
“Good morning, Ainslon. You look lovely today.”
“You look amazing, as usual.”
“That’s kind of you to say.”
“It’s the truth. I’ve liked you in everything I’ve seen you in.”
Lauren arched her brow. “Is that right?” A smirk played on her lips.
Ainslon replayed in her mind what she said and groaned. By the look on Lauren’s face, she was enjoying her discomfort. “Coffee?”
Lauren smiled. “Yes, coffee. Let’s go.”
It was hard not to react to Lauren’s hand at the small of her back, but she held it together as they walked up to the counter and ordered.
Ainslon turned her attention back to Lauren. “If you want to wait by the door, I’ll bring these over.”
“All right.”
Ainslon watched Lauren walk away. She had a feeling Lauren put a little extra sway in her hips. When Lauren abruptly stopped, turned around, and winked, Ainslon knew she had been caught. Lauren held her gaze a moment longer. Lauren would be the death of her.
Ainslon swung her head around when Alice said her name and placed the coffees on the counter.
“Two coffees for the lady,” Alice said with a knowing smile.
“Thank you,” Ainslon nodded and carried the coffee to Lauren, who opened the door for her, then accepted her cup. “Their coffee is the best.”
“It is. Since it opened three years ago, I come here a few times a week.”
“I don’t know how we haven’t run into each other before.”
Lauren took a sip of her coffee. “I don’t know either. I’ve had C and C for the last twelve years and you’ve never been in my store before.”
“You got me there.” They’d been in such close proximity for the last few years and never met. It almost felt like a right time right place feeling. Like they weren’t meant to meet until now. They fell into a comfortable silence.
Lauren spoke. “Maybe it’s fate we didn’t meet until now.” She tapped her finger on the side of her cup.
Ainslon moved closer to Lauren when a few men passed by them. “You don’t strike me as the type to believe in fate.”
“I can assure you I am a hopeless romantic.”
“Now, that I can see. Are you a flowers and chocolate kind of girl or does the unconventional suit you?”
Lauren stopped and leaned back against a building, holding her coffee cup between her hands. “A little of both. I like surprises. What about you?”
“I would never say no to chocolate.”
“Too bad you don’t know anybody who owns a chocolate store.”
Ainslon grinned. “Yes, it is.” They fell into an easy conversation and made two laps around the block when Lauren looked at her watch.
“Oh, my. It’s almost nine o’clock.”
“I guess you need to be going?”
“I do.”
“Let me walk you to work.”
“All right.”
At C and C, Ainslon turned to Lauren. “I had a nice time.”
“I did as well.” Lauren reached over and straightened her collar. “We should do it again sometime.”
This brought a smile to Ainslon’s lips. “Have a good day.”
“You too.”
She watched Lauren until she was out of sight then walked back to Brew and Bake to pick up breakfast for her and Justin.
She was waiting for her order when an arm snaked around her waist and a hand held out a white paper bag. “So,” Easton said. “Getting lucky this morning, sis?”
Ainslon snorted. “It sure felt like it.”
“From the glimpse I caught of you two, you look good together.”
She turned her face to Easton. “You think so?”
“I do.” She gave her waist one last squeeze. “Are you going to see her again?”
“Tomorrow. Here again.”
“Nice. I’ll make sure to put a little something special on our breakfast menu.”
“Am I crazy? She’s so…” She waved her hand in the air. “And I’m so…”
Easton placed her hands on Ainslon’s shoulders. “Listen. I’m only going to say this once. Stop over analyzing everything. You like her. She likes you. You’ve had two dates at the park already.”
“Friend dates.”
Easton rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Just enjoy being with her.”
“That’s it?”
“I hope so.”
“I know so.”
“Okay.” She kissed Easton on the cheek and stepped back. “We both have to get to work.”
“I’ll call you. We’re still on for dinner Sunday night with Nana?”
“Nothing could keep me away.”
“Not even your new, hot, almost girlfriend.”
“Even that. Bye.”
The walk to the bookstore only took ten minutes despite the crowded sidewalk. They didn’t officially open until ten, but a man paced in front of their door. If Justin would have noticed, he would have let him in. She had her key firmly in hand when she approached him. “Can I help you?”
“I hope so. I have a birthday party I need to attend in,” he looked at his watch, “forty-five minutes, and I need a book for my girlfriend’s son.”
“Sure thing.” She unlocked the door and motioned him in.
“Thank you. Thank you so much.”
“Not a problem. I’ll tell you what. Since I’ve had a good morning, I’ll give you ten percent off your purchase.”
“Thank you,” the man said, and shuffled off to find a book.
Justin motioned to the door. “I didn’t even see him out there or I would have let him in.”
“No problem; he was out there pacing.” She plopped the white bag on the counter. “Compliments of Easton.”
“I love your sister.” He took the bag and walked into the back office.
As soon as the man paid for his three books, and Justin came back out, she took his place in the office and decided it was a good time to get some paperwork done.
Time flew and she sat back in her chair and groaned when it hit her it was almost lunch time. After stretching and grabbing a bottle of water, she walked back into the storefront at the same time a delivery man entered. Her eyes automatically went to the bag he carried with an unmistakable C and C logo.
He walked up to the counter and glanced at his clipboard. “Ainslon?”
“That’s me.”
He handed over the bag. “Have a good day.”
Before she could tip him, he was out the door. Her fingers shook a bit on the handle of the bag, and she set it on the counter, staring at it, but not touching it.
“Aren’t you going to open it or at least read the card?” Justin asked.
She plucked the envelope off the bag and slid the card out.
Here’s an assortment of some of my favorites and a small surprise. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Ainslon couldn’t stop the smile that blossomed on her face, as her heart pounded in her chest. The note was going somewhere safe.
“Nice,” Justin said.
She nodded, opened the bag, and pulled out the contents. Four small boxes contained four different kinds of filled chocolates, and a small bag contained an assortment of miniature chocolate bars. Four large strawberries lay inside the biggest box, covered in four different chocolates; white, milk, semi-sweet, and dark. Ainslon’s mouth watered at the sight of them. In the bottom of the bag was an index card with Lauren’s delicate script written on it. The surprise in the top box blew her away. Nestled in the box was a paper squirrel. Origami. Lauren was full of surprises. She set the squirrel back in the box and slipped it under the counter so it wouldn’t get messed up.
I had a good time this morning. Play your cards right and the deliveries will keep coming. From your personal chocolate supplier.
P.S. I’m looking forward to tomorrow and I hope you enjoy the squirrel. It’s a hobby I took up in college.
Per Easton’s advice, she didn’t overthink things. She opened her messages app and quickly typed a note and hit send.
Thank you for the chocolate and the squirrel. You’re full of surprises. I enjoyed this morning and am looking forward to tomorrow. I can’t wait to learn all your favorites.
A moment later her phone pinged with an incoming message from Lauren.
I’m so glad you enjoyed the gift. I can’t talk now, but I wouldn’t be opposed to you calling me later tonight. Around nine.
Nine it is.
She set her bag under the counter and slid her strawberries to the corner of the counter when a customer set their comics and figurine down. By the looks of it, they were in for a busy day and that’s exactly what she needed to keep her mind off Lauren. She usually didn’t wish for time to fly, but she couldn’t wait until tonight.
Ainslon bounced into Brew and Bake nearly a month later, almost walking on air. Things with Lauren were progressing slow and steady, but well. The only fly in the ointment was that nearly two weeks after their meeting with Fredrick, he’d called and informed them the owner of the building hadn’t decided yet and was going on vacation for three weeks abroad and would give them her decision after she returned. Ainslon wasn’t happy but there was nothing she could do about it. Now, the waiting game continued.
As soon as Easton got a look at her face, she dragged her back to her office.
“Spill.” She pushed Ainslon into the chair at the desk, while she leaned against the desk.
“Lauren and I have been talking and having breakfast together. It’s nice.”
Easton rolled her eyes. “I know that. What changed? You look different.”
“Nothing.” Ainslon ran over the last few weeks in her head but didn’t come up with anything different. She’d met Lauren for coffee every few mornings and exchanged small gifts. Her origami collection quickly grew. Every night they talked on the phone and texted. Ainslon had also taken to sending Lauren little things from her store that reminded her of the other woman, from a Wonder Woman keychain to a story book about a chocolate store.
“So, you’re dating?”
“No.” Ainslon almost spit the word out. “We’re friends.” That stupid phrase again. It would be fine for anyone else, but Lauren wasn’t just anyone. She’d brought this on herself and would do it the same way again though she yearned to take the next step with Lauren. “I called her last night and we talked for an hour like we always do.”
Easton arched her brow. “Okay.” She pushed off the desk, grasped Ainslon’s arm, and hoisted her out of the chair. “If you don’t want her to see you acting like you won the lottery, you might want to drop the blinding smile and walk like a normal person.”
Ainslon wiped the smile off her face. “Is it really noticeable?”
“Yes. Yes, it is. Unless you want her to know you’re willing to have her babies, you should cool it. Just friends, remember.”
That stupid phrase again. “Got it.” She ran her hands through her hair. The same hair she’d worked on for at least half an hour before leaving her apartment.
“I am not trying to put a damper on your joy. I am really happy for you.”
Ainslon stood and engulfed her in a hug. “Your time will come. If it works out to be just a friendship with Lauren, it will have been worth it.”
r.” Easton pushed her toward the office door. “You better get out there and don’t forget my game on Saturday.”
“I’ll be there.” Ainslon took a deep breath, walked out of the office, and crossed the room to join Lauren, who was seated at their regular table.
“Sorry, sorry. My sister dragged me to her office as soon as I walked in.”
“Not a problem. I hope what I ordered was all right?” Lauren smoothed her hand over the napkin.
“I’ll let you in on a secret. I’ll eat anything they sell here.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
They ate in a comfortable silence.
“As much as we’ve talked, there is one subject that never seems to come up.” Lauren pushed her empty saucer to the center of the table.
Ainslon frowned. “What subject?” They’d covered a wide array of categories thus far.
“Our dating history.”
“Oh. That.”
“If you don’t want to…” Lauren hurried on.
“Would you mind going first?”
“I don’t mind.” Lauren took a sip of coffee. “I didn’t date a lot in high school, but I did have a steady girlfriend my senior year. We parted when we graduated. College was a different story. I played the field but that all changed when I met Gabby. She was everything I was looking for in a partner. Smart, trustworthy, could cook a mean scone.” Lauren chuckled. “I fell hard and fast but so did she. We worked well together. I’m not one to get jealous but Gabby was. I wouldn’t have stood for that in any other relationship. She was different. It was the first time I could see myself spending my life with someone.”
That sounded wonderful to Ainslon. “What happened?”
“Nothing bad, actually. Gabby wanted to see the world. Her dream had always been to travel. I’m surprised she even made it through college because she hated staying in one place for long. Me on the other hand, I like having a place to call home. I love Garriety and this is where my family is. A lot of young kids want to grow up so they can get away from their family and move away, but not me. That was never me. Family is everything. She got the opportunity to spend six months in Japan as an au pair. We discussed it, but I knew she wanted to go. No matter how much I loved her, I knew I would never force her to stay. We parted on good terms and stayed friends for a while. She called when the six months was up and told me she was going to Thailand. I knew, once she took the position in Japan, I would probably never see her again.”