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First Edition Romance Page 11

  Lauren opened a desk drawer to grab a Kleenex from a box she kept in there. She wiped her eyes. Even after being gone for two years, A.J.’s love for Leslie was evident. “Thanks for sharing that.”

  A.J. smiled and accepted a Kleenex to wipe her own eyes.

  “Even after everything that’s happened, would you go back and do it again?”

  “In a heartbeat.” A.J. clasped her hand. “It was so worth it. Love is always worth it. No matter how much it hurts.” A.J. blew her nose. “Now, that’s enough of that. Let’s look at the brochures.”

  Lauren gladly accepted the change in subject. Love, no, but an instant connection, yes. There had always existed a spark between them, and it did scare her, but it also excited her.

  An hour later, and after a few changes, A.J. packed up her papers. “It’s going to be fine.” She pulled Lauren up and into her arms. “You deserve this. Everything’s going to work out. Trust me. I know these things.”

  Lauren chuckled. “I will. Thank you, A.J.”

  “Anytime. I’ll have the changes in a couple of days and if everything is to your liking, I’ll have the final design by the end of the week.”

  “Sounds good.”

  After the door closed, Lauren plopped down in her chair and picked up the picture of her and Ainslon again. She traced Ainslon’s smile with the tip of her finger. The feelings this woman invoked in her were like nothing she’d ever felt before. Losing Ainslon wasn’t an option. She wouldn’t roll over and give her the building, but she would find a way they could go on even with the building hanging over them. She hoped Ainslon would agree with her plan; she couldn’t fathom another option.

  The last thing Ainslon wanted was to get dressed up and mingle with the town. After pursuing the food festival website, the night before, she realized that Lauren was a platinum sponsor, meaning she would also be at the banquet.

  Numerous times, she’d picked up her phone to text her over the past week but couldn’t bring herself to do it. She hoped Lauren would text her but if their positions were reversed, she wouldn’t have either. The moment the words left her mouth, after their meeting with the real estate agent, she instantly regretted telling Lauren they needed to put a hold on their budding friendship. She hoped she had a chance tonight to make things right with Lauren.

  With her hand on the doorknob it hit her that Lauren might not be alone tonight. She didn’t know what she would do if Lauren came with a date to this event. It would hurt, but it would be no one’s fault but her own.

  Downstairs she waved at the night security guard, then walked out and slipped into Justin’s truck. Where he had opted to wear black slacks and a pink dress shirt, Ainslon had decided on gray slacks and a green sweater. The chosen hall for the banquet always ran cold and Ainslon hated being cold.

  “You look like someone stole Shady. What’s going on?”

  She let out a long breath. “I regret telling Lauren that we should put a hold on what we were doing.”

  He nodded. “It’s a mess. That’s for sure.”

  “I really like her, Justin, and I might have ruined everything. What if she never wants to see me again?”

  “I don’t think that’s the case. Geez, Ainslon, it hasn’t even been a week. Give her some credit. I’ve seen the way she looks at you and she doesn’t strike me as a player. You trust her, right?”

  Did she? Yes, she did. The thought surprised her, but it shouldn’t have. Lauren had been nothing but genuine with her, and Ainslon needed to stop jumping to conclusions. “I do. She’s never given me a reason not to.”

  “That’s good. If you see her tonight, talk to her.”

  “You mean apologize?”

  “Yes.” He mimicked playing the drums on the steering wheel. “It’s like we’re one person. Your mind to my mind. Your thoughts to my thoughts,” he deadpanned.

  Ainslon burst out laughing. “You dork.”

  “It got you to laugh. Look,” he said, as he pulled into the parking lot. “If we don’t get the building, it’s not the end of the world. I was frustrated but it wasn’t her fault. But you’ll have to make the first move. If I were in her position, I would wait for you to come to me.”

  “Why are you always right?”

  “It’s a curse I’m willing to live with.”

  She pushed his shoulder. “Let’s go.”

  Inside the doors, they received their name tags. She groaned when Justin turned to her after putting on his name tag. “Tuvok. Really?”

  He pulled her away from the table. “Name tags are silly.”

  Ainslon stopped walking. “I remembered you can’t bring a plus one so Lauren wouldn’t be bringing a date here.”

  “A date. Geez, Ainslon, you’re so dramatic sometimes.” He squeezed her shoulders. “Relax.” He eyed the table to their left. “Feel better?”

  “Not really. All you did was squeeze my shoulders, not give me a massage.”

  “The full treatment isn’t free.” With one last squeeze, he removed his hands. “Dave’s here. I’m going to go say hi.”

  Figures she would lose out to Dave, the owner of Taco Heaven. “Don’t leave me.”

  “Don’t be silly. I’m sure there’s someone here you can talk to. Oh, look who walked in.”

  Ainslon turned and locked eyes with Lauren. She took a deep breath to steady her nerves enough to walk up to her when Olivia Markinson slipped her arm through Lauren’s and guided her to a table set up at the opposite side of the room.

  Ainslon stopped a woman wearing an apron of a volunteer server. “Is their booze in this place?” Surely, Teresa, as the organizer of this event, would supply ample beverages.

  The sympathetic look on the woman’s face confirmed her worst fears. “I’m afraid not. Teresa authorized soda and water.”

  “No iced tea?”

  The volunteer grimaced. “She’s on some kind of health kick. No added sugar.”

  “But you said soda.”

  “All diet.” The woman winked. “Good luck tonight. Better you than me.”

  Well, hell. She turned to find Justin when she noticed Lauren’s eyes on her, then Olivia whispered something in her ear and Lauren turned back to her. At this rate, everything was going to crash and burn. She would never forgive Easton for missing tonight. Of all nights, this had to be the one she had to go out of town. Lucky bitch.

  “Ainslon, I thought that was you,” someone said from behind her.

  Ainslon turned around. “Teresa, hi.”

  Teresa slipped her arm through Ainslon’s. “Let me show you around. I bet there’s a few people you don’t know. I’ll introduce you.”

  “Lead the way.”

  Teresa started out on one side of the room and the closer they got to Olivia and Lauren’s table, the more Ainslon cursed this night.

  “Oh, look where we are,” Teresa said. “I believe you already know Lauren, but I’m not sure you know Olivia.”

  Ainslon narrowed her eyes at a sheepish Teresa. Of course, this woman would look at the gossip sites. She turned to Olivia. “I’ve had the pleasure.” She held her hand out and after a second Olivia clasped it and squeezed.

  “And a pleasure it is,” Olivia purred and Ainslon noticed Lauren rolling her eyes.

  “Well, I have to go,” Teresa abruptly said and practically ran off.

  “That woman is nothing but trouble,” Olivia said. “The biggest busy-body in this town.”

  “Hush now,” Lauren said. “You’re only upset because she was named the board chair and not you.”

  “It’s still unbelievable.” Olivia turned to Ainslon. “Can you believe it?” Olivia motioned to an empty chair across the table from her. “Join us.”

  Ainslon slid into the chair. “Actually, knowing you both, no, I can’t. She seems more the type that would blackmail someone.” Ainslon shrugged. “Who knows?” She took a breath and wheeled her courage up. “Olivia, it’s lovely to see you again, but may I have a private moment with Lauren?”

; Olivia looked between them. “Of course.” She patted Lauren on the shoulder. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  Once Olivia walked off, Ainslon moved to the seat beside Lauren.

  Lauren gave a questioning lift of her brow.

  Ainslon didn’t like the indecisive look on Lauren’s face. “I’m sorry for the way I acted last week. It wasn’t your fault and you didn’t deserve my snark. I was unsettled by everything and let my insecurities get the best of me.”

  Lauren’s features relaxed. “Apology accepted.”

  “Just like that?” How could this woman be real?

  “Yes.” Lauren chuckled. “Just like that. I…I won’t lie, your attitude hurt me, but I can understand it. About the building, that is.”

  Ainslon touched her arm. “It’s business. Nothing more. I thought a lot about it this past week. I am truly sorry about my attitude. Whoever gets the building is out of our hands. I won’t hold a grudge if it goes to you. I would hope you wouldn’t if Justin and I get it.”

  Lauren covered Ainslon’s hand with her own. “Of course not. I know you said it was just business, but I hope we can continue to develop our friendship and see where it goes.”

  “It is just business and I think the decision we made about being friends and taking it slow is something we can continue. I’m not sure now is a good time to take it further. At least not until the business with the building is settled, then we’ll see.”

  Lauren nodded, but her expression looked worried. “You make it sound like if I get the building that you won’t want to be more than just friends. Please tell me that’s not what you’re saying.”

  Ainslon frowned. That is what it sounded like. “That sounded a lot better in my head than when I said it. Is something more than friends a possibility you would want if I get the building?”


  Ainslon preened a bit at her answer but held steadfast. “Right now, all I can offer is friendship, and we can certainly see where it goes from there. I really don’t want to mix business with pleasure.”

  Lauren squeezed her hand, then let it go. “Friendship first, but let me get this straight, you’re not saying no to anything more developing. Right?”

  “Right. More is on the table.”

  A pleased smile lit Lauren’s face. “That’s what I wanted to hear. Now, if we only had something to toast with.”

  “Our options are water or diet soda.”

  Lauren stood and held her hand out for Ainslon to take. Ainslon grasped the offered hand. “Don’t be silly. If you’ve been friends with Ollie as long as I have, you learn a few things.”


  Lauren lead her across the room to Olivia, who’d just concluded a conversation with a woman and had turned toward them.

  “Like the fact that she would never attend one of these events without alcohol.” Lauren stopped in front of Olivia.

  “Can I help you with something?”

  The smirk on Olivia’s lips would have had Ainslon swooning if she wasn’t already interested in Lauren. She’d known Olivia for the last year, from her coming into the store, but the thought had never occurred to her to ask her out. No, she had reserved that thought for Lauren and Lauren alone.

  Lauren leaned close to her. “I hear you have the good stuff.”

  Olivia grimaced. “Not tonight. Heidi was fussy before I left, and I forgot and left the flask I was going to bring in my desk drawer. Because, God knows, it’s hard enough to get through one of these events with alcohol; I don’t know how we’re going to survive without it.”

  Lauren nodded. “Ladies, it looks like we’ll have to rely on our wit and water to get us through tonight.”

  Olivia pasted on a faux shocked look. “Water, Lauren, really? I’m going for the hard stuff. I spy Diet Coke on that table over there. It’s sort of mind-boggling Teresa bought name brand. Lauren, I’ll get your water.” She regarded Ainslon. “Anything for you?”

  “Water’s fine.”

  “I’ll be back.”

  Lauren knocked shoulders with Ainslon. “Just you and me.”

  Ainslon relaxed against Lauren when she slipped her arm around her waist. This is what she wanted. Just being comfortable with someone else. Just enjoying the silence and being together. “Would you like to have breakfast with me tomorrow morning?”

  “I would love to.”

  Yes, losing Lauren, at this point, was not an option. She would have to come to terms with her personal life and her business colliding.

  The night before, when Justin had brought her home, Ainslon let him know her plans for having breakfast with Lauren. He had been nothing but supportive, and she promised to bring him something back. With her backpack snug on her back, she hopped into the fray and joined the countless others on the crosswalk.

  As her feet took her to the familiar destination, her thoughts strayed to Lauren and their predicament. Last night proved she wasn’t ready to walk away from what she and Lauren had.

  She thanked the gentleman holding the door open for her, took a deep breath, and let the smell of coffee, cinnamon, and baking bread invade her senses. She smiled at Alice, working behind the counter, and pointed to the back. Alice nodded, and Ainslon walked behind the counter and into the kitchen, then turned right towards Easton’s office.

  Knowing Easton got home around one last night and had barely gotten any sleep, Ainslon expected her to look tired, but she should have known better. Easton never came to work looking anything but professional and refreshed. “Good morning.”

  Easton leaned back in her seat. “No offense, but you look like shit. Did you get any sleep? You texted me that everything went well last night. What happened afterward?”

  Ainslon flopped down in the chair in front of the desk. “Not as much as I would have liked.” She shrugged. “At eight, we parted ways and I didn’t fall asleep until after midnight. Do I really look bad?”

  “I’m your sister. I can tell. Others, probably not. Justin will. What brings you in here? Shouldn’t you be waiting for Lauren out there?”

  “I had a few minutes to spare you. I promised Justin I would bring him some cinnamon rolls back.” She lifted her hands.

  “Well then. I’ll make sure to save him some. Coffee too?”


  “So, am I going to officially meet Lauren any time soon?”

  Ainslon rolled her eyes. “If you want to meet her, you can bring Justin’s order to me. Okay?” She should have seen that coming. Easton had bugged her for weeks.

  “I will. Go grab a seat. We’re busy this morning and I’m sure you two don’t want to stand.”

  “Not really.”

  She was only in the office for a few minutes, but the dining area had filled up. She quickly snatched up one of the few available tables and sat, waiting for Lauren. She didn’t have to look up when someone stepped in front of her. She would know that fragrance anywhere.

  “Good morning, Ainslon.”

  She slipped her phone in her pocket and gave Lauren her full attention. “It wasn’t, but it is now.”

  Lauren’s voice was a teasing purr. “Do you come here often?” They both chuckled at the joke, and Ainslon felt a peace not felt since yesterday. Lauren sat across from her.

  “Besides all the time I spend with you here. It’s so close to the store and the fact that my sister owns it means I usually come in every morning. The banana nut muffins are fantastic.”

  “I enjoy them as well.”

  “It’s Nana’s recipe.”

  “The next time you see Edna, tell her the recipe is divine.”

  “I will.”

  The silence was only a bit awkward. Lauren broke the silence. “I’m glad you walked up to me last night. I wouldn’t have done the same with you. The last thing I wanted was to disrespect the boundaries you’d put in place.”

  “Even if Teresa hadn’t dragged me over there, I had still planned to talk with you.” Ainslon nervously twisted her napkin. “I�
�m sorry about everything. Sometimes I let my thoughts get the best of me.”

  “We all do, but I hope you know you can trust me. Yes, I am a businesswoman and it’s important to me, but a friend recently told me there are other things that can fulfill us. I like spending time with you.” Lauren looked directly into Ainslon’s eyes. “Please, don’t doubt that. You mean a lot to me.”

  Seeing Lauren laying her feelings bare kicked Ainslon into gear. “You mean a lot to me as well. I always enjoy spending time with you.”

  “Good.” Lauren pulled her hand back. “Now, I don’t have as much time as I would like to spare for us this morning, so let’s enjoy breakfast.”

  “Any time you have is enough.”

  They were finishing up when Easton walked up to them with a bag and a coffee cup in hand. “I threw in a few other things for you too.” She nudged Ainslon.

  “Oh, sorry.” Ainslon accepted the bag and coffee. “Lauren, this is my sister, Easton. Easton, this is Lauren.”